Time Settings
The Time Settings section controls how time is displayed and tracked in the application.
Available Settings
Time Format
- 24h: Military time format (e.g., 14:00)
- 12h: Standard time format with AM/PM (e.g., 2:00 PM)
Day Start & End
- Set your typical workday start and end times
- Used for automatic time tracking and reporting
- Available in 30-minute intervals
- Day end must be after day start
Week Starts On
- Choose whether your week starts on Sunday or Monday
- Affects calendar views and weekly reports
Work Week Configuration
- Work Week Start: Select which day your work week begins
- Work Week End: Select which day your work week ends
- Helps distinguish between work days and weekends
- Used for automatic time tracking and reporting
- Set your local timezone
- Ensures accurate time tracking across different regions
- Important for team collaboration and reporting
The Personal Settings section allows you to customize your profile and financial preferences.
Available Settings
- Your display name within the application
- Used for identification and personalization
Profile Picture
- Upload or change your profile picture
- Supports common image formats (JPG, PNG)
- Click the trash icon to remove the current profile picture
Global Hourly Rate
- Set your default hourly rate for time tracking
- Used for cost calculations across projects
- Must be a positive number
- Select your preferred currency for financial calculations
- Displays both currency code and native symbol
- Affects how monetary values are displayed throughout the app